Thursday, 21 July 2011

Come and say hi to Jade !

Jade is one of the hardest workers down at 'watch this space' and the one who started this whole project off, so come down to the gallery and say hello to her !

Hi Jade! can you tell us abit about who'se  involved in ‘watch this space’?

The team includes Sophie, Scott, Rachel, Emma, Shaun, Jemma, Emma, Simon and Me! The gallery is opening to support the local organisation Big About Music. We have also had great help from Two Wimming Swimming (thanks guys).

Where is the gallery situated?

The gallery can be found in Corby Old Village, 57 High Street NN17 1UU.

What are you hoping for with ‘watch this space’? 

We wanted to create a contemporary art space for local artists to display and possibly sell their work. We hope to push beyond the conventional idea of a community gallery and encourage new thinking.

Can anyone come along? 

Yes! the more the merrier.

If someone wants to show their work, how can they get involved?

If you would like to show your work thats great! Contact us by either emailing or pop into the gallery, we always like to meet new people.

You’re an artist yourself; can you give us a bit of background into your own art practice?

My work is quite simple, my favourite tool is a mechanical pencil. I studied Illustration and Animation at Manchester School of Art where I developed a slight obsession with cowboys. If you would like to check out my work log onto
 Many people can find the idea of ‘modern’ art intimidating and alien, are you hoping to break down those stereotypes to make art more accessible in Corby? 

Modern art can be intimating, even to those who have chosen to be apart of it, however we hope that the space will show that everyone can enjoy art and it's not too scary really. It is something that every person is in the community should have the chance to experience. 

Many of those involved in ‘watch this space’ grew up and began their art careers in Corby, would you say the lack of contemporary art culture is something that inspired the organization?

Yes, definitely. I personally find it extremely frustrating as an artist from Corby, other than if you have an encouraging art teacher at school, there is no inspiration or support to pursue your passion. We hope that the gallery will inspireand show people that there is a exciting art world out there and there is no reason that Corby can not be apart of it! 

Jade has worked really hard to get this project going and has done so well at making it amazing ! 

Sophie & the WTS team

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